Wikipedia Vandalism Detection

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Wikipedia Vandalism Detection
Santiago Moisés Mola-Velasco
Publication date

Wikipedia Vandalism Detection - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2011, written by Santiago Moisés Mola-Velasco.


Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that anyone can access and edit. It has become one of the most important sources of knowledge online and many third party projects rely on it for a wide-range of purposes. The open model of Wikipedia allows pranksters, lobbyists and spammers to attack the integrity of the encyclopedia and this endangers it as a public resource. This is known in the community as vandalism. A plethora of methods have been developed within the Wikipedia and the scientific community to tackle this problem. Authors have participated in this effort and developed one of the leading approaches. Authors research aims to create a fully-working antivandalism system and get it working in the real world.


Wikipedia Quality

Mola-Velasco, Santiago Moisés. (2011). "[[Wikipedia Vandalism Detection]]".DOI: 10.1145/1963192.1963349.

English Wikipedia

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Mola-Velasco, Santiago Moisés. (2011). &quot;<a href="">Wikipedia Vandalism Detection</a>&quot;.DOI: 10.1145/1963192.1963349.