What Types of Translations Hide in Wikipedia

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What Types of Translations Hide in Wikipedia
Jonas Sjöbergh
Olof Sjöbergh
Kenji Araki
Publication date

What Types of Translations Hide in Wikipedia - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2008, written by Jonas Sjöbergh, Olof Sjöbergh and Kenji Araki.


Authors extend an automatically generated bilingual Japanese-Swedish dictionary with new translations, automatically discovered from the multi-lingual online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Over 50,000 translations, most of which are not present in the original dictionary, are generated, with very high translation quality. Authors analyze what types of translations can be generated by this simple method. The majority of the words are proper nouns, and other types of (usually) uninteresting translations are also generated. Not counting the less interesting words, about 15,000 new translations are still found. Checking against logs of search queries from the old dictionary shows that the new translations would significantly reduce the number of searches with no matching translation.


Wikipedia Quality

Sjöbergh, Jonas; Sjöbergh, Olof; Araki, Kenji. (2008). "[[What Types of Translations Hide in Wikipedia]]". Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78159-2_6.

English Wikipedia

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Sjöbergh, Jonas; Sjöbergh, Olof; Araki, Kenji. (2008). &quot;<a href="https://wikipediaquality.com/wiki/What_Types_of_Translations_Hide_in_Wikipedia">What Types of Translations Hide in Wikipedia</a>&quot;. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-78159-2_6.