Evolution of Wikipedia-Based Virtual Identities

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Evolution of Wikipedia-Based Virtual Identities
Dawid Grzegorz Węckowski
Paweł Schmidt
Publication date

Evolution of Wikipedia-Based Virtual Identities - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2014, written by Dawid Grzegorz Węckowski and Paweł Schmidt.


As more and more information about Internet users is being made available to different service providers on the Web, there emerges a new challenge of managing information concerning people’s online presence. This paper presents the results of the research on virtual identities of Web users, which are modelled as digital representations of the users’ information needs. In this work authors introduce a set of algorithms for building and evolving virtual identities of Web users. Authors also describe experiments for analysing effectiveness of the algorithms and providing an insight into the process of identity evolution.


Wikipedia Quality

Węckowski, Dawid Grzegorz; Schmidt, Paweł. (2014). "[[Evolution of Wikipedia-Based Virtual Identities]]".DOI: 10.20470/jsi.v5i3.207.

English Wikipedia

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Węckowski, Dawid Grzegorz; Schmidt, Paweł. (2014). &quot;<a href="https://wikipediaquality.com/wiki/Evolution_of_Wikipedia-Based_Virtual_Identities">Evolution of Wikipedia-Based Virtual Identities</a>&quot;.DOI: 10.20470/jsi.v5i3.207.