He Says, She Says: Conflict and Coordination in Wikipedia

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He Says, She Says: Conflict and Coordination in Wikipedia
Aniket Kittur
Bongwon Suh
Bryan A. Pendleton
Ed H. Chi
Publication date

He Says, She Says: Conflict and Coordination in Wikipedia - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2007, written by Aniket Kittur, Bongwon Suh, Bryan A. Pendleton and Ed H. Chi.


Wikipedia, a wiki-based encyclopedia, has become one of the most successful experiments in collaborative knowledge building on the Internet. As Wikipedia continues to grow, the potential for conflict and the need for coordination increase as well. This article examines the growth of such non-direct work and describes the development of tools to characterize conflict and coordination costs in Wikipedia. The results may inform the design of new collaborative knowledge systems.


Wikipedia Quality

Kittur, Aniket; Suh, Bongwon; Pendleton, Bryan A.; Chi, Ed H.. (2007). "[[He Says, She Says: Conflict and Coordination in Wikipedia]]".DOI: 10.1145/1240624.1240698.

English Wikipedia

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Kittur, Aniket; Suh, Bongwon; Pendleton, Bryan A.; Chi, Ed H.. (2007). &quot;<a href="https://wikipediaquality.com/wiki/He_Says,_She_Says:_Conflict_and_Coordination_in_Wikipedia">He Says, She Says: Conflict and Coordination in Wikipedia</a>&quot;.DOI: 10.1145/1240624.1240698.