Making Biographical Data in Wikipedia Readable: a Pattern-Based Multilingual Approach

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Making Biographical Data in Wikipedia Readable: a Pattern-Based Multilingual Approach - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2014, written by Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, María Jesús Aranzabe and Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza.


In this paper authors present Biografix, a pattern based tool that simplifies parenthetical structures with biographical information, whose aim is to create simple, readable and accessible sentences. To that end, authors analysed the parenthetical structures that appear in the first paragraph of the Basque Wikipedia, and concentrated on biographies. Although it has been designed and developed for Basque authors adapted it and evaluated with other five languages. Authors also perform an extrinsic evaluation with a question generation system to see if Biografix improve its results.