Institutionalization of Wikipedia - Almost Like Hippies (Instytucjonalizacja Wikipedii - Prawie Jak Hipisi)

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Institutionalization of Wikipedia - Almost Like Hippies (Instytucjonalizacja Wikipedii - Prawie Jak Hipisi) - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2011, written by Miko³aj Rogiñski.


Wikipedia - the Internet open source encyclopaedia - since its foundation gathers a large group of editors labelled "the society of Wikipedians". The Polish project is one of the biggest in terms of the number of articles. As a result of the interactions of few thousand people, regularly contributing to the project and participating in the community activities, many institutions, differing in the degree of complexity and stability, have emerged. The paper covers the results of a qualitative research aimed to determine what phase of the institutionalization process the selected Polish Wikipedia structures have reached. Since the organization operates in a high-velocity environment, the whole process is much faster in comparison to the entities, where the environment is more stable.