Focus and Element Length for Book and Wikipedia Retrieval

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Focus and Element Length for Book and Wikipedia Retrieval - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2010, written by Jaap Kamps and Marijn Koolen.


In this paper authors describe participation in INEX 2010 in the Ad Hoc Track and the Book Track. In the Ad Hoc track authors investigate the impact of propagated anchor-text on article level precision and the impact of an element length prior on the within-document precision and recall. Using the article ranking of an document level run for both document and focused retrieval techniques, authors find that focused retrieval techniques clearly outperform document retrieval, especially for the Focused and Restricted Relevant in Context Tasks, which limit the amount of text than can be returned per topic and per article respectively. Somewhat surprisingly, an element length prior increases within-document precision even when authors restrict the amount of retrieved text to only 1000 characters per topic. The query-independent evidence of the length prior can help locate elements with a large fraction of relevant text. For the Book Track authors look at the relative impact of retrieval units based on whole books, individual pages and multiple pages.