Effects of Peer Feedback on Contribution: a Field Experiment in Wikipedia

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Effects of Peer Feedback on Contribution: a Field Experiment in Wikipedia - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2013, written by Haiyi Zhu, Amy Zhang, Jiping He, Robert E. Kraut and Aniket Kittur.


One of the most significant challenges for many online communities is increasing members' contributions over time. Prior studies on peer feedback in online communities have suggested its impact on contribution, but have been limited by their correlational nature. In this paper, authors conducted a field experiment on Wikipedia to test the effects of different feedback types (positive feedback, negative feedback, directive feedback, and social feedback) on members' contribution. Authors results characterize the effects of different feedback types, and suggest trade-offs in the effects of feedback between the focal task and general motivation, as well as differences in how newcomers and experienced editors respond to peer feedback. This research provides insights into the mechanisms underlying peer feedback in online communities and practical guidance to design more effective peer feedback systems.