Automated Subject Induction from Query Keywords Through Wikipedia Categories and Subject Headings

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Automated Subject Induction from Query Keywords Through Wikipedia Categories and Subject Headings
Yoji Kiyota
Noriyuki Tamura
Satoshi Sakai
Hiroshi Nakagawa
Hidetaka Masuda
Publication date

Automated Subject Induction from Query Keywords Through Wikipedia Categories and Subject Headings - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2008, written by Yoji Kiyota, Noriyuki Tamura, Satoshi Sakai, Hiroshi Nakagawa and Hidetaka Masuda.


This paper addresses a novel approach that integrates two different types of information resources: the World Wide Web and libraries. This approach is based on a hypothesis: advantages and disadvantages of the Web and libraries are complemental. The integration is based on correspondent conceptual label names between the Wikipedia categories and subject headings of library materials. The method enables us to find locations of bookshelves in a library easily, using any query keywords. Any keywords which are registered as Wikipedia items are acceptable. The advantages of the method are: the integrative approach makes subject access of library resources have broader coverage than an approach which only uses subject headings; and the approach navigates us to reliable information resources. Authors implemented the proposed method into an application system, and are now operating the system at several university libraries in Japan. Authors are planning to evaluate the method based on the query logs collected by the system.