A Learning-Based Framework to Utilize E-Hownet Ontology and Wikipedia Sources to Generate Multiple-Choice Factual Questions

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A Learning-Based Framework to Utilize E-Hownet Ontology and Wikipedia Sources to Generate Multiple-Choice Factual Questions - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2012, written by Min-Huang Chu, Wen-Yu Chen and Shou-De Lin.


This paper proposes a framework that automatically generates multiple-choice questions. Unlike most other similar works that focus on generating questions for English proficiency tests, this paper provides a framework to generate factual questions in Chinese. Authors have decomposed this problem into several sub-tasks: a) the identification of sentences that contain factual knowledge, b) the identification of the query term from each factual sentence, and c) the generation of distractors. Learning-based approaches are applied to address the first two problems. Authors then propose a way to generate distractors by using E-How Net ontology database and Wikipedia sources. The system was evaluated through user study and test theory, and achieved a satisfaction rate of up to 70.6%.