3D Wikipedia: Using Online Text to Automatically Label and Navigate Reconstructed Geometry

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3D Wikipedia: Using Online Text to Automatically Label and Navigate Reconstructed Geometry - scientific work related to Wikipedia quality published in 2013, written by Bryan C. Russell, Ricardo Martin-Brualla, Daniel J. Butler, Steven M. Seitz and Luke Zettlemoyer.


Authors introduce an approach for analyzing Wikipedia and other text, together with online photos, to produce annotated 3D models of famous tourist sites. The approach is completely automated, and leverages online text and photo co-occurrences via Google Image Search. It enables a number of new interactions, which authors demonstrate in a new 3D visualization tool. Text can be selected to move the camera to the corresponding objects, 3D bounding boxes provide anchors back to the text describing them, and the overall narrative of the text provides a temporal guide for automatically flying through the scene to visualize the world as you read about it. Authors show compelling results on several major tourist sites.